We want to start… albeit in February, by thanking our clients for a fantastic 2021. We were able to take part in some amazing projects through COVID and help several organizations with their IT needs. We can't thank you all enough!
In 2022, we have made a big decision! At HamTECH Solutions, we desire to educate and make a difference! Of course, we must pay our bills, but we want to make a social impact while doing it. We have discovered the best way to do this is by refocusing our vision and mission to make a lasting change.
New developments in the Tech Industry, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Augmented Reality (AR), Blockchain, Web3, and so much more, have created many challenges and are changing the landscape of digital. We have also noticed that becoming HIPAA compliant and Cyber Secure is very difficult after working with our clients for many years.
With these many challenges, we have decided to focus exclusively on HIPAA and Cybersecurity! We want to take this opportunity to reintroduce HamTECH Solutions and share what we plan to achieve this year.
Moving forward, HamTECH Solutions will be a Cybersecurity firm at its core that conducts Security Risk Assessments. We want to align our goals with our client's goals to meet and exceed compliance (e.g., HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability)) and help fill digital security gaps.
To better explain, a security risk assessment (SRA) is a process that identifies and evaluates potential threats and vulnerabilities to data assets. We then create a report and work plan and help our clients to remediate the threats and vulnerabilities.
In general, risk assessments expose gaps in one's cybersecurity infrastructure. By conducting an SRA, we can peel back the layers of digital security, from the receptionist to the firewall (a device or software used to connect the Internet router to the computers and block bad traffic).

We use questionnaires, on-site walk-throughs, examine your network, interview employees, and so much more. We know that it may seem crazy that any company would want to conduct an SRA but knowing what you do not know is extremely important when it comes to protecting one's digital assets.
When conducting interviews, we try to remind everyone that we are not the Cyber Police but a team member that will help the company better protect its information.
We are able to apply our previous years of experience in providing IT (Information Technology) services, web development, virtual services, and more in the evaluation process.
We are excited for 2022 as we take this year to focus our brand, love our clients and partners, and continue to grow in Cybersecurity!
We plan to do this by:
Creating educational information on Cybersecurity, Risk Assessments, and more through our blog and social media channels.
Instead of breaking up our services into tiers, we are creating one tier with threat and vulnerability remediation assistance included with the option to add on more testing.
Sadly, to offer the best possible service, we have had to say no to others. We will no longer take on any new IT service clients. Our web development and virtual services have moved to our sister company Ham Designs. Saying no allows us to focus all our efforts on Cybersecurity.
Lastly, we are adding additional staff this year. Stay tuned…
We look forward to serving you in 2022!